Vital Principles Series

Undermining most people’s success and happiness stems from unconscious programming picked up throughout our lives from family, friends and relationships. This can eventually result in habits of self-sabotage, addictions as well as anxiety, depression, bipolar and digestive disorders among a myriad of other symptoms. An unhealed person will always find offence and often use his or her wounds as street currency to leverage against another person, place or situation. Do you ask yourself:

  • Why do I keep doing this?

  • Why does … hurt every time I get stressed?

  • Why do I have mystery aches and pains all the time?

  • How do I get out of my head?

  • Why can’t I get what I want?

If you do, then Vital Principles (VP) can absolutely help you! This is a new program that has been research-backed to give the tools to achieve your own mental, spiritual and emotional freedom by identifying where these undermining beliefs come from and shows you how to overcome trauma and get what you want in life. These proven self-help tools and skills you learn will see you breakthrough fears and obstacles that have impeded you creating the life you want. This program has been inspired by teachings from Carl Jung, Caroline Myss, Abraham Hicks, Paul Chek, Arthur M. Young, Joseph Campbell, Ken Wilber, Joe Dispenza, Rudolph Steiner and Ervin Laszlo among many others. If you’re ready to discover happiness, success and bring the best of you to the significant people in your life, then its time to take the bull by the horns!

Vital Principles Online Curriculum

All you need is to follow the lessons, see how/where they resonate to you in your life and with the coaching calls you’ll create your experiences from a higher perspective. This program is self-paced and designed for you to never need a therapist again with:

  • Webinar presentations with comprehensive insight to what drives thoughts, beliefs and behaviours that lead to what you’re creating moment to moment.

  • Monthly calls to enhance your understanding and integrate that into your life.

  • Text material to accompany an in-depth study of program content at your own pace.